Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Make Your Brand Online by Website Building & Google SEO [For Teachers Only] Course


A Unique Course for Teachers to better market themselves with Online Marketing Tools Such as Websites, Google SEO, Blog, Social Networking Sites, Videos, etc.

This Course will increase the Visibility of a Teacher & thus have a great Positive Impact on the Revenue.

Some Important Points:

1.      Requires absolutely no knowledge of programming.
2.      Contains right blend of learning and practice (Ratio 6:4).
3.      Highly flexible and tailored as per needs of individual.
4.      How to make your own website within hours.
5.      Introduction to HTML, PHP & CSS.
6.      Search Engine Optimization – Importance & complete explanation.
7.      Understanding the Wiziq Platform & its Features.
8.      Understanding the importance of Social Networking Sites, YouTube Videos, Document uploading, etc.
9.      Importance of Blogging as a Tool for SEO.
10. Other topics Covered – Google Tools, Tune-up Utilities, YouTube Analytics, other teaching platforms along with a doubt clearing session.

Course Structure:

Class No.Class No.Class No.
1Wiziq Features & How To Use Them Better1 Hour
2How To Make a Professional Presentation1 Hour
3How To Make your Own Website/Introduction To CSS, PHP & HTML1 Hour
4Search Engine Optimization (SEO)1 Hour
5Using Google Tools Better1 Hour
6Document Uploading/Making Videos1 Hour
7Blogging/Social Networking.1 Hour
8Tune Up Utilities/Webmaster Tools/YouTube Analytics1 Hour
9Other Teaching Platforms/Branding yourself Better.1 Hour
10Revision & Doubt Clearing Session.1 Hour

Benefits of the Course:
  • After this course, you can enhance your revenue manifold since it enhances your online visibility considerably
  •  Learn how to make your own website.
  •  Learn SEO & how to implement it.
  •  How to increase your Online Visibility.
  • Personal Reports (on the steps that should be taken) will be issued to each enrollee to increase his/her revenue.
  • Sample Report is uploaded on Wiziq.

About Google Tools:
  • Ad words – It is an online advertising tool of Google. Ad words offers pay per click advertising option.
  • Ad sense – It is a free & simple way for website publishers to earn money by displaying targeted Google ads on there websites.
  • Sitemap – Sitemap/s is a way to inform Google about pages on one’s website which might not be discovered otherwise.
  • Analytics – Google Analytics is a free web analytics service that provides statistics & basic analytical tools for search engine optimization (SEO) & marketing purposes.
  • Webmaster Tools – If you are an owner of a website than Google webmaster tool is used to show detail about website or optimization, it shows where your website ranking is, is there any problem in website, which website link to us etc.
  • Calendar – It is a free time-management web application offered by Google.
  • Docs – It is a free, web-based word processor, spreadsheet, presentation, form & data storage service offered by Google.
  • Page Rank – Google consider links to be like votes. In addition, it considers some votes are more important than others. Page rank is a Google's system of counting link votes & determining which pages are most important based on them. These scores are than used along with many other things to determine if a page will rank well in a search.
Basics of Blogging:
  • Blogging has become one of the most important Search Engine Optimization (SEO) tool because, search engines like Google & yahoo knows that a blog is frequently updated with content or visitor comments thus Optimized Faster.
  • Advantage of blogging is that it doesn’t requires writers & contributors to know a lot about HTML.
  • Areas covered in this course: 
  1.   Traffic exchange programs
  2. Link exchange
  3. Free hits & unique visitors
  4. Counters
  5. Bloggers
  6. BlogSpot
  7. Other blogs

Making Your Own Website in 2 hours:

  • Basics of HTML editors.
  • Creation of Back links.
  •  Back links from Edu.
  • Submission to Directories.
  • HTML.
  • Introduction to HTML, PHP & CSS.
  • Also, SEO techniques & how to implement them explained.

Features of Wiziq:

  • Tutorials
  • Sharing Screen.
  • Tests.
  • How to make your Classes more Attractive.
  • Course Feed.
  • Recorded Class or Live Class, which should be preferred?
  • Other Features of Wiziq.

Importance of Document Uploading:

       Advantages of Documents upload.
       Important Websites:

  • Scribd
  • Docstoc
  • Wiziq
  • Slideshare

       Comparing different Document Hosting Websites.
       Where to Stop?


  • Importance of Videos.
  • Platforms:
  • YouTube
  • Metacafe
  • Adobe Connect
  • Google Videos
  • Comparison of Different Platforms.

Other Teaching Platforms:
Blueteach -
Examville -
Another Option Can Be - Google Hangout

Contact Details:

Shivgan (Course Teacher) -

Arpit (Course Manager) - /


Monday, May 6, 2013

Crash Course for CFA L2 2016

Focus on top questions:

Upstep u d p etc prob [1+rf-d] / [u-d] and exponential formula - binomial tree e to power 2 sigma derivation
Persistence factor
H model: D0 is D: [D(1+gl) + DH(gs-gl)]/[r-gl]
Pure active / portfolio systematic risk... analyst R square .. stropness of alpha
Justified P/S = Net profit margin * Justified traling p/e = E/S into 1-b into 1+g whole divided by r- g
portfolio is entirely new- Portfolio with similar securities: 1/n*sigma-square + (n-1)/n Cov
Private Euity numerical on Drawn, return big table etc

Important Points
real estate table numerical with properly values
Portfolio has many new things
irr using calculator - check all tests in calculator
other topics using calculator like capital budgeting
ratio current temporal rates
corp finance - many numericals -
secret sauce video on things that are missed
theory last chapter of mbs and trenching data
contraction risk in MBS

List of Formulas that might give trouble:

Difference makers: FSA currency traslation, FSA accruals...
Quant Difference makers: regression, time series, arch, inetere rate questioins, binomial trees, oas, cpr etc.
Equity: same .. easy...

Research reports and soft dollars... what is allowed while making research reports....consensus

Quant: log taking with ARCH with multi series and combining things contegration of quant
Residual income formula long one: B + [(Roe-r)*B]/[r-g]
Economics revision : interest formula don't work, complex version of swaps due twister spots and semi annual payments

Derivatives: interest rate numerical with swap and payment and selection of interest rates is tricky, also the pv factor formula didn't work. in all interest rate derivatives is an area that you should explore.
fixed income seems to be in control
interest rate problems fir tree didn't work, make trees on MATLAB for trees
regression with high level of theory - this tricky
convexity formulas
FRA Agreement
FI CPR the 30 month formula where 1- CPR = (1- SMM)^12 ... CPR= months * .2%* Times PSA
FSA formulas from question
Currency swap
Interest rate swap: [1-Zn]/[z1 + z2...zn]
transition current
soft dollar research objectivity new prudent rule, old standard
Fama: Market risk + small cal risk + value risk
Eqity: Rolls model confident risk , build up, pastur liquid factor,
DDM P/E multiple: 1-b divided by r- g
P/B = ROE-g divided by r-g
premium control not control - private company
interest rate swap / currency swap / fra
credit derivatives
Whats solution for very long divident questions
Reits  funds from operation
MM numerical new formula n terms
Information ratio = active risk / active return
Quant, is model good Ftest, hetroskedicity present: Pagan, removal white... Serial correlation present: Derban whatson (2(1-r)) smaller postiive larger negative in between inconclusive removal: Hanse...
Testing of the above 2 tests is imp
Adj R-square 1 - [n-1 / n-k-1]* [1-R-square]
HHI Summation of MS*100, when is it concentrated? 1000-1800
Favorable income per share = (Coupon - Conversion Ratio *  DPS )/conversion ratio
most trouble maker is currency translation in accounting
linking the pension translation from 10k into reality to make it easy

1) employee benefits - Questions from Main curriculum
2) quants - economics paper - get this done for conference  - liniked with pp
Regression and quant and D test - issues with regression in excel file
3) Lessons we learn
4) Evaluating Financial reporting Quality
5) Integration of FSA
6) Portfolio - done except

Exam still has 50% theory - and numerical are the easy ones

AI: Real estate numerical and quant involved.
Private equity valuations
Biggest drag all down is FRA

turning exam real with real quant everywhere.


My Wiziq Profile

Profile Link -

Name: Shivgan Joshi.

Instructor: CFA, BAT, GMAT, VBA, MATLAB & other Finance related fields.

More Than 2 Years Experience in Online Teaching Field.

My Courses on Offer:

VBA for Financial Engineering & Modelling (

Bloomberg Assessment Test (BAT) Exam Prep (

MATLAB for Financial Engineering (

CFA (L1)/FRM Exam/Bloomberg Assessment Test/ MATLAB-R-VBA: Study Group (

GRE Revised Online Study Prep Group: On Demand Online Classes (

GMAT Verbal & Quantitative Online Classes Study Group Prep Course Live (

Total Learners - 1000+

Total Published Tests - 100+ containing 1000+ Questions.

Total Tutorials - 250+

Total Class Recordings - 200+

My Network - About 500 Contacts & 800 Followers.

130 Member Recommendations.

Email ID -

Website -

YouTube Link


"Great class. I tackled some questions that normally scare me off and gained a pretty good understanding in a short time period. He also provides excellent explanations and is a very patient instructor."
James Davermann -

"class was excellent"
Sridevi Kesavarapu -

Saturday, May 4, 2013

Avoiding On Error Resume next statements in VBA what is the road ahead then?

Avoiding Error statements in VBA what is the road ahead then?

Blank vs "" vs 0
Keeping there nothing
Keeping there ""
Formula giving "" or 0

NA is error

All of them have their importance and implcation.

0 is different from isblank ... iszero.... is function... is date ... etc

These might become useful at times...

Also you can use 0 1 + etc while dealing with boolean which means true false 1 0 & and 

Explicitly handling error and not using error handlers is the key..

Sub errorp1()

Dim i, j As Double
For i = 1 To 5 Step 1
j = 1 / (i - 2)
On Error Resume Next
MsgBox j
'ignore the error and move ahead keeping last value
Next i
End Sub

Sub errorp2()

Dim i, j As Variant
For i = 1 To 5 Step 1
j = 1 / ((i - 2) * (i - 3))
MsgBox j
On Error GoTo ER
GoTo ER2
On Error GoTo 0
MsgBox "error"
Resume Next

Next i

End Sub

'On Error GoTo 0 disables any error trapping currently present in the procedure.
'On Error GoTo -1 clears the error handling and sets it to nothing which allows you to create another error trap.

Sub ErrorTest()

Dim dblValue As Double

On Error GoTo ErrHandler1
dblValue = 1 / 0
MsgBox "Exception Caught"
On Error GoTo -1 'Comment this line to check the effect
On Error GoTo ErrHandler2
dblValue = 1 / 0
MsgBox "Again caught it."

End Sub
Sub ErrorTestUserHandler()

Dim dblValue As Double

For lngloop = 1 To 10
On Error GoTo ErrHandler
dblValue = 1 / 0
MsgBox "Caught it."

On Error GoTo -1 'Comment this line and run it again to see the effect

End Sub

Join our VBA for financial engineering course ( & get 15% discount. Ask for discount code, email -